la salle 

Bruno's édito



To vanquish, one has to get over one's emotions : without a calm mind,
reaching a fair judgment is impossible. In demonstration as in fight, one
has to reject all unsettling emotions. To remain imperturbable, calm and in
control when the unexpected happens, one has to get ready for it in ordinary
times. (From N. Tamura's " Etiquette et transmission ").

Excerpt from " The japanese art of war " by Thomas Cleary

This is dedicated to all practitionners, especially beginners who ask
themselves a great deal of questions.

" The learning is the door, not the house. When you see the door, do not
mistake it for the house. To get into the house, you've got to cross the
Since the learning is only the door, do not mistake the treaties for the
Way. Because of this misunderstanding, many are the disciples who remained
ignorant of the Way, however extensive their studies and the reach of their
vocabulary. "

la salle 

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